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 Your Favorite Moment. 


May 1, 2008

I went to my very first birthday party today. It was cousin Eric's fourth birthday. It was so much fun. I t was at a gym for kids. I got to roll and bounce on all kinds of soft things. Mommy even put me in a real cool swing made for kids like me. My favorite part was the cake. Most of the cake ended up on my face, but I will definitely get the hang of it one day. I got to see lots of friends and family. Grandma and grandpa were there too! I was in a much better mood today. Last week I started getting a bit fussy. The doctor said I had something called excema. Mommy gave me some cream and it made it much better. So, today was one of my best yet! Check back soon, and I'll give you more updates.

April 19, 2008

I had my first real play date today! My friends Kaden and Madison came to visit, along with their mommy, Auntie Susan. Auntie Susan has been mommy's friend since they were little girls. Kaden and Madison are big kids. Kaden is seven months old and Madison is almost two. They taught me all kinds of big kid stuff. They brought me a great big teddy bear. We had fun at the park. We went on the swings and slid down the slide (with mommy's help of course). Mommy says that I will get to play with them a lot. I can't wait. They were lots of fun!

April 4, 2008

I met great grandma Jones today. She came out to visit from Springfield. I was so excited to see her. We went to Anytown park for my first picnic lunch. I loved lying on my back and staring up at the sky and watching the clouds pass by. I loved smelling all the pretty flowers too. Great grandma Jones sang beautiful songs to me. Now I know where daddy gets his great voice. She brought me a blanket that she knit all by herself. I will treasure it forever. Great Grandma Jones says that next time she visits; she is going to take me to the zoo.

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